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Getting Started

We know that engaging in a financial planning and investment management relationship is a big decision.  This is why we have a process that demonstrates how we will partner with you to address your key concerns and provides examples of specific recommendations for your situation.  

Step 1: Learn More Call

Schedule a learn more phone call so that we can find out more about what prompted you and your family, your current financial life and discuss how we work with clients.  If you determine we are a good fit for your planning needs, we will schedule a discovery meeting.

Step 2: Discovery Meeting

In this meeting, our goal is to learn more about your challenges, concerns and financial picture. We will also request you upload several pieces of information to our client portal related to your income, assets and taxes.  This will support our discussion and the creation of a one page plan. 

Step 3: One Page Plan

Our final meeting is where we present a one page plan summarizing your goals and priorities along with our recommendations across key areas and a quote for services.  There will be time for you to ask any questions and learn more about how we partner with you as an on-going client. 

At the end of these steps, we will provide a quote for our flat fee on-going advisory services as well as review a client agreement and engagement standards for you to review.  If you decide to join us as a client, we will transition you to our on-boarding process and get to work providing clarity and a strategic plan for your financial life!  

Contact us to set up a Learn More call today.