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Financial Education Is Empowering

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Tips for Sustainable Travel  Thumbnail

Tips for Sustainable Travel

Though air travel poses significant environmental challenges, it's hard to envision completely abstaining from flying. Therefore, it is important to contemplate our influence on the destinations we visit.

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How Can I Best Help My Grandchildren Pay for College in the Future?  Thumbnail

How Can I Best Help My Grandchildren Pay for College in the Future?

Getting an early start helping your grandkids pay for college is a smart approach. Most of us are very aware of how much college costs have been increasing in recent history. In fact, if you compare college costs from 1980 to 2020, the price to attend a four-year college full-time increased a whopping 180%! Starting some early savings for your grandchildren can allow you to take advantage of tax favorable investment options and compounding interest.

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Getting Ahead in 2024: Tax Planning Tips to Start the Year Thumbnail

Getting Ahead in 2024: Tax Planning Tips to Start the Year

Many of us are wrapping up the 2023 tax process whether self-preparing or working with a tax preparer. As we come to the end of this process, it can be helpful to reflect on what changes might make an impact going forward into the new 2024 tax year. In this article we provide suggestions for how to improve or correct past tax issues as well as proactive tips to put you in a better tax position for the future.

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