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Clerestory Summer Celebration!

Thank you to all who were able to attend our annual summer celebration!  We had a great time sampling wines from The Wine Market, snacks from Buon Giorno, and cakes from Cafe Latte.  It was a wonderful opportunity for clients and friends to connect and get to know one another. 

Check out our clients, friends and family enjoying each other's company: 



Here we are enjoying the wine, snacks and cakes: 

Our excellent wine tasting provided by The Wine Market- we sampled 3 white and 3 red varities 

Our founder, Tom, is learning about various red wines 

The delicious snacks from Buon Giorno and tasty cakes from Cafe Latte including a cheesecake, tres leche and turtle cake


And, finally, here are some pics of our dedicated staff and their supporters: 

Clerestory Advisors- Karen, Tom and Liz

The father-daughter team 

The dedicated spouses