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Financial Education Is Empowering

Blog Posts

Why Doesn't My Charitable Giving Increase My Tax Deduction?  Thumbnail

Why Doesn't My Charitable Giving Increase My Tax Deduction?

Over the last several years you may have noticed that despite diligently organizing all your charitable donation activity and providing it to your tax preparer, the amount of your tax deduction simply doesn’t change. This can be a confusing and frustrating experience given that in the past this process likely led to a larger tax deduction. So, what is going on and is your tax preparer missing something?

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Big Changes to How Social Security Benefits Are Taxed in Minnesota Thumbnail

Big Changes to How Social Security Benefits Are Taxed in Minnesota

In some good news for Minnesota taxpayers who are receiving social security benefits, you may end up paying significantly less in state taxes for the foreseeable future. As of the May 24, 2023 signing of the Minnesota omnibus tax legislation, there have been some significant changes to how Social Security benefits are (or aren’t) taxed that will take effect for the current 2023 tax year.

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What Issues Should I Consider For My Aging Parents?  Thumbnail

What Issues Should I Consider For My Aging Parents?

We frequently hear from clients who are concerned about how to support their parents through the various transitions of the aging process. This is a critical issue for many folks who consider themselves to be a part of the “sandwich” generation- those who are caring for both growing children and aging parents at the same time.

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